Phaneroo Ministries, a renowned Ugandan Christian organization led by Grace Lubega Matovu, recently marked its ninth anniversary by bringing together hundreds of members to...
Mangosuthu Buthelezi, a towering figure in South African politics and outspoken Zulu chief, has died at the age of 95.
During the racist apartheid regime,...
Ghana has initiated moves to attain Observer Status in the Pacific Alliance, an initiative of regional integration comprised of Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru,...
Rwandan police have arrested a 34-year-old suspected serial killer who is alleged to have murdered and buried more than 10 bodies in his kitchen.
Gabon’s military leaders have announced an end to deposed President Ali Bongo’s house arrest, saying he’s now “free to move about”.
In a communique read...
Five African players are vying to win the Ballon d'Or, one of the most prestigious awards in the football world.
Nigeria’s Victor Osimhen, Egypt’s Mohamed...
Four people died in clashes between protesters and security forces in Guinea as the country marked the second anniversary of a military coup, activists...